Welcome to another year of the AtoZ Challenge. This year I am doing signs that I have seen across the country. This post will feature signs associated with the Letter J. ENJOY THE RIDE!
We can’t avoid signs. They are everywhere. Advertisements, informational signs, directional signs, business signs and, sometimes, even humorous and fun signs. Each of my posts in this years’ challenge will feature a hodgepodge of signs I have come across in my travels. In most cases, I’ll also note where they were taken. Some were actually inside of shops or otherwise, so not all will have locations. I hope you enjoy this fun trip each day of April.
Finding signs with the letter J is more of a challenge than many of the other letters. But, I had a Jolly good time looking. This one will be a tad shorter post than some of the others.

Head to Douglas, Wyoming and you can see plenty of Jackalope. I did find a nice sign there. I even got my Jackalope Hunting License there.

Of course, there are plenty of places to get Junk out there. Here are a couple.

There are 30 places in the United States names Jamestown. I have been to five or six of them, but not all have fun things like the following ones do.
Jamestown, Virginia was an early settlement area of the United States back in 1607. It is part of the National Parks System. (See the NPS Site) We visited when my kids were much younger, back in the 1990s.

Then there is Jamestown, North Dakota, home of a fun Frontier Town and the world’s largest Buffalo Statue.

And though technically not a sign, how can I not add the photo after mentioning it above? Look carefully by right front leg to get people’s sizes.

Finally, the last Jamestown to be featured herein is Jamestown, New York. This was the birthplace everyone’s favorite redhead comic Lucille Ball.

Speaking of famous stars, how about a famous one whose name begins with J?

And another famed J movie star…John Wayne

Most of us have grown up enjoying that wiggly treat know as JELL-O. Believe it or not, in LeRoy, New York there is actually a JELL-O museum!

And there are a few places named Jackson…actually 31, in the United States (and that doesn’t count the derivatives.

Though there is a Joshua Tree National Park in California, on a long remote road in Nevada you can drive the Joshua Tree Highway.

I am not certain if I got all of my J’s, but I do know there is this place in Uncertain, Texas

Like what you see here? Check out my books on Amazon.com! Currently there are three in print, and I am working on my fourth in the Less Beaten Paths of America series. You can see my books on my author page at https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B0784XVGSW

Great finds for letter J! Never knew where the First Lady of Comedy was from. I did think Dorothy was from Kansas, though.