I have fallen a few days behind on my A to Z posts this year, but I will get them all. This year I am doing signs that I have seen across the country. This post will feature signs associated with the Letter R. ENJOY THE RIDE!
We can’t avoid signs. They are everywhere. Advertisements, informational signs, directional signs, business signs and, sometimes, even humorous and fun signs. Each of my posts in this years’ challenge will feature a hodgepodge of signs I have come across in my travels. In most cases, I’ll also note where they were taken. Some were actually inside of shops or otherwise, so not all will have locations. I hope you enjoy this fun trip each day of April.
I am gonna start off big time with this one – lets get some Restroom signs in here. Y’all know that on a road trip, a pit stop or restroom break becomes imperative after a few hours. Well, I have gotten a chuckle out of some of the ones I have seen over the years. Check these out!
The sign at The Thing in Dragoon, Arizona is one of my all-time favorites!
Restroom Sign – The Thing in Dragoon, ArizonaBathroom Humor – Keep the Restroom Clean – Seen at the Story Inn in Story, IndianaBathroom sign in Davenport, WA (Part 1) – Restrooms for customers onlyRestroom Key – Davenport, Washington — I obviously purchased something and became a customer.Whatever you are….wash your hands. COVID is floating around. Restroom sign with an alien. Saw this in Cuba, MissouriNow becoming more common. I chuckle with the half-dress and half-pants character. – I have seen this and similar signs in numerous restrooms across the U.S.
I have a Big Moon…so I am happy that they had a Big Moon Restroom
Big Moon Restroom – Alliance, NebraskaRestroom Sign at The Shack Burger Resort in Cypress, TexasRestroom Sign – Star Pizza – Houston, TexasSapp Brothers in Nebraska City, Nebraska claims to have the Cleanest restrooms on I-29Jungle Jim’s has unique restrooms – the doors are really misleading and, when opened, lead you into an elaborate and huge restroom area. Also, you can sit on their privy for a nice out-house shot if you want – Fairfield, Ohio
In my P post, you saw the Need to Pee? sign that I posted from Hopland, California. Below is the rest of the story!
Weird Restrooms sign – Real Goods – Hopland, CaliforniaThis is one of their weird restrooms
Saw this one at an antique shop in Tightwad, Missouri. This was in the midst of the COVID pandemic and many were actually closed.
We all like to know the Restroom is open!
Some places make sure the restrooms are easy to see!
Colorful restroom area at Sharkheads in Biloxi, MississippiA men’s room fit for a Chief – at a gas station in Ashland, Montana in the Northern Cheyenne Indian ReservationSurfer Bathroom – Aberdeen, OregonToilet Sign at the DFW Elite Toy Museum in Haltom City, TexasAnother sign from that renowned restroom in Davenport, WashingtonTeam Members was wash hands sign at Hurts Donut in Katy, Texas (read the sign carefully)Restroom at RM Brooks General Store in Rugby, TennesseeRestroom at the Tavern of Little Italy in Cleveland, Ohio
Maybe you are into outhouses? How about this double-decker outhouse in Booger Holler, Arkansas?
Double Decker Outhouse in Booger Holler, Arkansas
If you saw my post on P signs, I noted the PP by the TP in Winslow. Well, here it is! And the second photo shows you where you can actually PP by the TP!
PP by the TP – Here it is! – Winslow, ArizonaThere it is – a portapotty by the Teepee.
And Kentucky has a very famous outhouse —
Penn’s Privy is at Penn’s Store in Gravel Switch, KentuckyIf you are in downtown Fort Worth near the stockyards, the cowboy will lead you to the restroom
And finally, one last Privy shot from Slade, Kentucky – Sitty Hall And it is a two-seater!
Sitty Hall in Slade, Kentucky
OK enough restrooms I think…how about a few more random R signs
Raymond, Washington – a nice townWelcome to Rayne, LouisianaReminderville, OhioThe Rusty Rooster Resale Shop – Elmore City, OklahomaRustic Rose Mercantile – Comanche, OklahomaRanch House BBQ – Olympia, WashingtonWelcome to Rabbit Hash, KentuckyRabbit Hash General Store in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky (it burned down and has since been rebuilt)Robert’s Western World – Nashville, TennesseeRedwood National and State Parks – Northern CaliforniaThe Old Roxy Theatre in Newton, MississippiRomance General Baptist – Romance, MissouriReal Quiet Lane – Lexington, KentuckyWelcome to Real Goods – Hopland, CaliforniaRed Bluff, CaliforniaRoll On In Sushi Burritos – Cincinnati, OhioRover, Arkansas Post OfficeMt. Rainier Railroad Dining Co. – Elbe, WashingtonRussell’s Travel Center – Moriarty, New MexicoRiverside, Iowa – the Future Birthplace of Captain James T. KirkWelcome to Rexburg, IdahoRed River Gorge near Slade, Kentucky
Well, I RUSHED through the Rs. I hope you enjoyed them. Now, maybe you want to READ MORE? Like what you see here? Check out my books on Amazon.com! Currently there are three in print, and I am working on my fourth in the Less Beaten Paths of America series. You can see my books on my author page at https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B0784XVGSW
My First Three Books available on Amazon in print and Kindle
3 thoughts on “AtoZ Challenge 2021 – Signs Signs – The R Signs #atozchallenge”
It’s hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over. Then the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
Plus, I’m taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Yes indeed! I actually drove from Virginville to Intercourse to Paradise just to tell a story. Actually wrote about it in my first book. More coming.
These are some fun signs. I find myself checking out signs for upcoming restrooms when I’m traveling because I tend to be kind of particular and I know my wife wants clean restrooms. One of my favorite stops has been Buc-ee’s in Luling TX–glad to see more of these opening around the country since they are usually pretty dependable for cleanliness as well as a good place to gas up.
Those are some great R signs! You’ve certainly found a lot of unique ones to capture. Have you been to Lancaster, PA? I was born near the “Virginville” sign. (US 222 ~ https://www.google.com/maps/@40.5086235,-75.8005852,3a,75y,236.31h,86.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s70yXxLwhRWFMiRvPC8jYMg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)
It’s hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over. Then the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
Plus, I’m taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Yes indeed! I actually drove from Virginville to Intercourse to Paradise just to tell a story. Actually wrote about it in my first book. More coming.
These are some fun signs. I find myself checking out signs for upcoming restrooms when I’m traveling because I tend to be kind of particular and I know my wife wants clean restrooms. One of my favorite stops has been Buc-ee’s in Luling TX–glad to see more of these opening around the country since they are usually pretty dependable for cleanliness as well as a good place to gas up.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out