I’ve Been Everywhere

Welcome to Earth, Texas

Johnny Cash had a famous song in the 1990s (a remake of a Hank Snow song actually) which stated “I’ve Been Everywhere”.  In some respects that could be my theme song.  I have been very blessed in my short 68 year life to have traveled far and wide across these United States and even into Canada and Mexico.  Indeed, I have been to almost every major city in the country and most in Canada (with the exception of eastern cities in Canada — from Montreal on).  I have been to every state in the United States.  I have been to most National Parks and Monuments, major museums and tourist spots.





Old Days, Good Times I Remember

It all started when I was young, watching “On the Road with Charles Kuralt” and looking at black and white travel books published by Time/Life.  Yes, as the Rare Earth song goes, I was “Born to Wander.”







Welcome to Bucksnort

But, with all the places I have gone, the back roads of America have been the most fun.  Lots of great places, and some not so great.  Great names, great views, unexpected treats.  That is what I hope to provide in a daily dose of enjoying the ride.






Sunset in Eastern, TX

I hope all that read will enjoy.