Since the 1970s, Hungarian-born and American-raised Peter Wolf Toth has busily created his giant hand-carved “Whispering Giants.” Every U.S. state has at least one of the 72 giants that he has created.
I have featured Peter’s Whispering Giants in a few of my blog posts and even dedicated a chapter to these lovely giant carvings dedicated to the plight of the Native North Americans.

Since the beginning of March 2020, the world has been ravaged by the Coronavirus. We have been pushed into “social distancing,” keeping away from people. Over 95% of the American population is under some sort of stay-at-home order. And, everywhere we go, we now see people wearing face masks to try to keep this terrible virus from spreading.

As a result, many people are adding masks to statues, etc. And some of Peter’s Whispering Giants have been the recipient of these as well. And now Peter is on a mission to get ALL of his Whispering Giants in the United States masked to recognize the plights of many of the Native American Tribes and their plight with the Coronavirus. For example, as of this writing, over 1000 Navajo people have come down with the virus and 41 of them have died. Other tribes are not exempt either.

I spoke with Peter on the phone today and he is so concerned about all of the American’s suffering, but especially the native Americans, many of which live in areas with scant medical facilities and some, like the Navajo Reservation, that has many areas without electricity and running water. Out of respect for these great peoples, Peter would like to see all of his Whispering Giants get masked as a sign to protect these peoples.

So, I am posting this in hopes that those that read it and that may live or be close to one of these lovely sculptures might take a few moments to create a mask and then go to the Whispering Giant and carefully mask them so that they can be symbolically protected from the novel coronavirus.
If you do one of these, please email me at [email protected] with a photo and I will add it to this post with a credit to you for your time and photo.
Also, if you are not sure where the 70+ Whispering Giants are located, please check out the comprehensive site created by David Schumaker as it contains the locations of each of these. CLICK HERE to get to his site.
the one shown as delaware in in narragansett,ri