2024 in Review: A Few More Murals

One final post about murals.  There were a couple of places with a large number of mural walls and I wanted to touch on these because they provided a great perspective on the history of the specific locations.


Mississippi River Tales in Cape Girardeau, MO

This 1,100-foot-long mural wall comprises 24 panels of murals covering nearly 18,000 square feet on the 15-foot high floodwall near downtown Gape Girardeau.   Though all seem similar, each panel represents a specific period in the history of the area, beginning with the Native Americans who inhabited the area in the early 900s to 1200s and then continuing on to the 1900s.  It thus provides a wonderful pictorial narrative of the history. The majority of the panels also include a date at the top of the piece. The mural was painted by Chicago artist Thomas Melvin in collaboration with several other local artists and completed in 2004. The art installation was dedicated on July 7, 2005.

Native Americans in the region
Spanish Explorers – 1673
Settlers – 1735
Planning a City – 1793
Lewis and Clark – 1803
The Louisiana Purchase – 1804
Missouri Statehood – 1821
Pioneer Heritage – 1838
General Grant and General Prentiss debate for supreme command
The Civil War – 1861
The Civil War – 1863
River Commerce – 1875
The Railroad – 1880
President Taft’s Visit – 1909
The Great Fire – 1916
The Big Freeze – 1918
The Three Cape Girardeaus and River Jazz – 1924/1925
The Big Flood – 1927
River Industry – 1958
The Great Wall
River Fest – 1980


Missouri Wall of Fame – Cape Girardeau, MO

As if the ginormous Mississippi River Tales Mural was not enough, a second massive mural was added.  The Missouri Wall of Fame is a 500-foot-long mural with 45 panels that include 47 famous individual from Missouri. This one was painted by local artist Margaret Dement.  I am not sure if I am able to identify each of the individuals shown, but I will try!

Famous Baseball Players – Stan Musial, Yogi Berra, Lou Brock and George Brett
Famous Authors – Dale Carnegie, Eugene Field
Walter Cronkite
Harry Truman and Marie Watkins Oliver
Porter Wagoner and Rush Limbaugh
Musicians – Josephine Baker, Burt Bacharach, Scott Joplin, Jess Stacy, Porter Wagoner
August Busch, Jr. (Anheuser-Busch) and James Cash Penney (J.C. Penney)
Jack Buck, Marlin Perkins, Joe Garagiola
Don Faurot, Mannie Jackson, Thomas Hart Benton
Mark Twain, Seth J. McKee, Omar Bradley
Ginger Rogers, Jean Harlow, John Huston, Betty Grable, Vincent Price, Redd Foxx
John J. Pershing, George Caleb Bingham
Rosie O’Neill (creator of Kewpie), Linda Godwin, Susan Blow
Long view of the Wall of Fame – First panel includes Calamity Jane, Jesse James and Frank James


The Wall of Heroes – Maryville, TN

The small college town of Maryville has an old vintage Comic Book store at the intersection of Court and High Streets.  The mural stretches nearly a half city block (28-feet-long by 4-feet-tall) in front of The Golden Age, a comic book store that has been around since 1942.  The mural was painted in 2017 by Florida artist Wesley Stout and includes a number of DC Characters including some not-so-well-known characters like Sandman, The Spectre, Mary Marvel and Wesley Dodds.

Wall of Heroes superstars – The Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and Robin
More superheroes
More superheroes


Oklahoma mural in Oklahoma City, OK

When Oklahoma celebrated the Oklahoma Centennial in 2007, they commissioned a huge set of murals through Bethany, Oklahoma Palmer Studios to be painted in the Bricktown District of the city. It covers Oklahoma history from its origins as an Indian Territory to more current themes including astronauts. Many of these were hard to get photos of, but below is a small collection of them.

Oklahoma History Murals
Some famous Oklahomans in a train
Early Oklahoma
History of the Railroad – 1860
Pioneers – 1880
Pioneer Cabin – 1880
Life in Oklahoma – 1940
Early Schools in Oklahoma – 1960
More Famous People on a Train


Bob Ross on a wall in Edmond, OK by Chris Cargill
James Dean on a motorcycle – Anadarko, OK. Also painted by Palmer Studios
Cheech and Chong in Oklahoma City, OK
Bogie and Bacall famous scene on a tobacco store in Richmond, Indiana by Indiana artist Pamela Bliss
Charlie Patton – famous blues musician – Richmond, Indiana painted by Ivan Roque
Local Legends mural on the Paramount Building in Oklahoma City features Charlie Christian, Joan Crawford and Woody Guthrie.  Painted by Graham Hoete from New Zealand in 2016
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka – Downtown Oklahoma City by graffiti artist JEKS (aka Brian Lewis)  from Greensboro, North Carolina
Having fun with Groucho in Richmond, Indiana – Mural by Indiana Artist Pamela Bliss
Albert Einstein on a wall in Oklahoma City by graffiti artist JEKS (aka Brian Lewis) from Greensboro, North Carolina
Albert Einstein on a wall in Louisville, KY by Kacy Jackson
Will Rogers – Edmond, Oklahoma by Chris Cargill
Joe B. Hall – former Head Coach of University of Kentucky Basketball – Cynthiana, Kentucky by famous muralist Odeith
Famous Tuskegee Airman Frank D. Walker in Richmond, Kentucky by Graham Allen and SquarePegs Studio
Blind Willie Johnson – Brenham, Texas by California artist Levi Ponce
Ready for Battle on Exhibit C Building in Oklahoma City by California Comanche artist Eric Tippeconnic

Finally, a unique mural, or set of murals, can be found under the Main Street railroad bridge on N Gaylord Blvd. in the Bricktown District of Oklahoma City.  This nearly 10,000 sq. ft. unique and colorful mural is titled Abstract Passages and is by Oklahoma City artist Kris Kanaly (a.k.a. Pyramid Guy).  It was completed in 2017. I had to drive through three or four times to get some decent shots.  Parking nearby is difficult.  But it is a really cool installation.

Abstract Passages by Kris Kanaly – View 1
Abstract Passages by Kris Kanaly – View 2
Abstract Passages by Kris Kanaly – View 3
Abstract Passages by Kris Kanaly – View 4
Abstract Passages by Kris Kanaly – View 5

Did you enjoy what you saw here?  My books cover so much more.

Sumoflam at Summer of 66 Mural in Oklahoma City

Enjoy the Ride With Sumoflam


You can get my books online!  The series now has five books and I am working on books six and seven. Book Six will be all about murals from all over the country!! Watch for them in 2025.


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