Coolville, OH[/caption]
Back in May 2008, on a return trip to Canada for work at the Toyota Plant in Woodstock, Ontario, I took a trip up along the Ohio River, basically on the Ohio/WV border. (see my entire trip report for some unusual other places here). Along the way I came into the town of Coolville. Pretty cool name!!
[caption id="attachment_69" align="alignleft" width="300"]
There is a Post Office in Coolville![/caption]
You Scooby Doo fans out there may remember the fictional place called Coolsville, OH in the cartoon series. This is NOT that place. Rather, Coolville is a small town of about 530 people clear in the southeastern part of the state. It was named after Ashel Cooley, who was apparently a great grandson of Benjamin Cooley of Springfield, MA (see genealogy). Ironically, this same Benjamin Cooley is an ancestor of my wife. Her grandmother was Genevieve Cooley. These Cooleys would have been long lost cousins as they all descended from the Benjamin Cooley that migrated from Herefordshire, England to Springfield. Eventually, some of them made their way west. Asahel made his way to Ohio and settled Cooleyville, which later was changed to Coolville.
[caption id="attachment_70" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Coolville Mural on side of a building in Coolville[/caption]
There is really not much more info on Coolville, but here is the map.
Coolville, OH