It’s another year and another opportunity to provide a fun VIRTUAL road trip. For the 2022 A to Z Challenge, I will be taking you, the readers, to some of the many places I have visited. Almost every little town to every big city has something unique to offer visitors. I hope to take you to some of these places across the United States, and even to Canada, the Philippines and Japan on some select posts, for a virtual trip to see places you may not know about.
Today’s post covers a number of towns and cities that begin with the letter A. Some are huge cities and some are barely dots on the maps. I hope you’ll enjoy this trip. Ironically, on this April 1, I am visiting Anderson, Indiana for the Grand Opening of the Uranus Fudge Factory #2 where I will be doing a book signing. You’ll see more near the end of April on the U post!!

I want to start with Albuquerque because the last entry of this month’s challenge will be a Z town that is a suburb of Albuquerque!
I spent my formative years (from 6 months old to 9 years old) in Albuquerque, so it was my first “home” and will always have a place in my heart. There is so much to do in this large city in the New Mexico high desert.
The city is a major stop on the old US Route 66 and has a number of draws. But I want to share just one must see and must do spot. That Sandia Tramway that takes you to the top of the Sandia Mountains. What an amazing adventure.

Speaking of Albuquerque, clear back in 2005 I was able to make a 6 week visit to Cebu in the Philippines. On one of the trips we visited the small island of Bohol. Just southeast of the port town of Tagbilaran is the small town of Alburquerque. I stopped at a shop to get a shot of the store front sign there.

Next stop is in Mississippi, right along the river on one side and the Blues Highway (US Route 61) on the other. There is a small town famous for its name and for the blues!!
I believe it is the only town named Alligator in the United States. Sadly, the only Alligator I saw was a large mural in the small town, which has a few other murals and even has a juke joint.


We’ll next head north to the town of Arco, Idaho, which gained fame from Atomic generation. The town hall is made of rock and is a cool little building.
There is a unique diner there called Pickle’s Place. It is home of the “Atomic Burger.” YUM!

Alamogordo is located close to White Sands National Monument, but has its own unique stuff. The World’s Largest Pistachio stands proudly in town at McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch.
A good deal of America’s pistachios come from this part of the country. And you thought New Mexico was only famous for chiles!!

Alzada, Montana is just a small spot on the map. It sits in the southeast corner of Montana on US Highway 212 and is a popular spot for bikers. Why? Because of the Stoneville Saloon, which is famous for its Cheap Drinks and Lousy Food.
Back in 2005 we stopped at the Stoneville Saloon, which turned out to be a famous biker bar. The owners, full of tattoos, were very friendly and served up some of their very tasty “lousy food.” We enjoyed it.


On a trip to visit my daughter in Washington back in 2019, I made my way home down US 101 and passed through the small community of Allyn, Washington. Much to my surprise, this small town had some BIG stuff. In fact, there was lots of bigfoot and big bear wood carvings.
According to my friends at Roadside America, Bear in a Box has the World’s Largest Collection of Wood Carvings. (See their article here). I got there early so only had the opportunity to get out and see some of their hug bigfoot carvings! How fun it was.


The town of Adair, Iowa is basically a stop off of Interstate 80 for gas and is in the middle of massive cornfields and windfarms. But I love this place because of their bright yellow smiley water tower!
Next time you are driving on I-80 in Iowa, watch for it. It will make you smile!

This lovely little town is in the far northwestern corner of Oregon, just across the Columbia River from Washington. The town has many attractions, including Astoria-Megler Bridge on US 101. It is the longest continuous truss bridge in North America! Also, just off the bridge as you enter Astoria, you can get a glimpse of one of Peter Toth’s many “Whispering Giant” Native American carvings that dot the U.S.

As you come down off of Kentucky’s Black Mountain, the highest point in Kentucky, into Virginia, you come to the community of Appalachia, Virginia. This community of about 1700 people doesn’t off much. But I loved the sign. Look carefully.

Anaconda is an old smelting town in Montana. It has a couple of large smokestacks. But it also sits in the foothills of some lovely mountains and has a great mural.

You’d never think that a town named Alvin would be the home to someone famous. But, one of Major League Baseball’s most famous baseball stars was born here. This was the home of Nolan Ryan and they have a nice statue and sign to prove it.

Austin is home to one of Hormel’s largest meat packing plants and is especially famous for its canned meat product, more commonly known as SPAM. It is home to the SPAM Museum.
There are all sorts of opportunities to get SPAM in town. One cafe even specializes in SPAM dishes on their menu.
SPAM sign for Hawaiians.

Alma, Arkansas is home to the Popeye Spinach Company and, as such, has a nice Popeye Statue in town.

I love the town of Alliance. It is really famous for two things — The Knight Museum and Sandhill Center and an even more well known attraction known as Carhenge.

I worked in Canada for eight months and made many trips. One of the more interesting places was in Aylmer, where swans migrate. Want to see hundreds of swans in one place? This is it!

I am going to close out the A section with the quirky and lovely town of Austin, Texas. There is so much in Austin that I could dedicate a couple of posts. But, I’m going to include a couple of favorites. The Austin mural is world famous. However, the Voodoo Doughnut place on Sixth Street is not as famous as its mother store in Portland, Oregon.

If you like what you see, you can check out my books which cover so much more!
You can get my books online! The series now has five books and I am working on books six and seven. Book Six will be all about murals from all over the country!! Watch for them later this year.
Omg those are so many towns with A
Love ur enthusiasm and passion how ur capturing
Commenting from India 🙂
Oh my goodness, you have no idea what you’re doing to me… #itchyfeet
So many cool places to visit!
Carhenge, hahaha!
I had no idea there was an Albuquerque in the Philippines.
Love the Smiley Water Tower in Adair
What a fun theme! I have been to one of your destinations: Alma, Arkansas. It’s where you segue from I49 to I40 (or vice versa) when you are going from Joplin to Little Rock! Looking forward to the rest of your posts this A to Z season!
You’re back again! Always good to see your fun and informative posts. A lot of these places I’ve been too and some I’ve been to many times. I was disappointed when I was going to see the Spam museum several years back. I think they had moved or maybe they were closed for some reason. I didn’t get to see it then and it’s likely I might not ever get back that way.
Have a great April! Your posts never disappoint.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out Battle of the Bands
Thanks Arlene!! You are so kind!
Nice romp across the US with A! FYI I’m not doing A2Z this year so don’t look for mine. I just went down the list for this year and thought yours sounded entertaining.
I’m happy to say I’ve been to many of your stops for A. What a life to see all these places. Always great to see you on the A to Z journey.
The Basics This story is a world away in Odessa, Ukraine. Originally written in 2007
Albuquerque is not a town name I’d expect to see outside of New Mexico!
Lots of fun places on your A-list. Glad you avoided alligators in Alligator!
I love American towns and their weird claims to fame 😀 How confusing is it to name an actual town Appalachia?… 😀
The Multicolored Diary
I’m liking this.
I know very little of American geography so this was very interesting.
I’ll definitely pop back
Thank you for sharing this! This has definitely been enlightening!
You can check out my A to Z Challenge down below if you are interested.
Damyanti: latest post
I missed visiting during April but hey, that’s what the Road Trip is for – and what a Road Trip you give us! I always think that if I went to America, I would repeatedly be beset with deja vu because we have seen so many places on film – what you give us is the name place guide to all the places we have heard of but know not – and then some… Thanks!