Road Trip to Idaho – Day 4: Shelby, MT to Rexburg, ID
Cabin in the Snow[/caption] March 25, 2013: After a fabulous couple of days in Shelby, MT with my daughter, her husband and all the kids, it was back on the road for the last leg of the trip to Rexburg. This was basically a straight shot down I-15 thru Great Falls, Helena and Butte. Unfortunately, the day started off pretty snowy and yucky. [caption id="attachment_1998" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Gas Station in Shelby, MT[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1999" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Interstate 15 heading South towards Great Falls[/caption] By the time I had hit the Great Falls area, the weather was basically clearing up and so it was more or less smooth sailing to Helena. I was provided an excellent view of Tower Rock State Park. [caption id="attachment_1960" align="aligncenter" width="300"] South on I-15 towards Tower…