Road Trip Home from Idaho – Day 3: Glendive, MT thru Enchanted Highway, Mt. Rushmore to Oacoma, SD

Backroads Discoveries, BBQ Places, Big John, Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Dream Highways, Eateries, Enchanted Highway, Found Metal Sculptures, Geologic Formations, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, Montana, Mountains, Muffler Man, Murals, Museums, National Monuments, National Parks, North Dakota, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, South Dakota, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Yard Art
South Dakota Badlands in northern South Dakota as seen from SD Hwy 79[/caption] April 1, 2013:  We started the month of April off with a non-foolish bang as we got up fairly early to hit the road towards home, with a detour through North and South Dakota. This is the route we took on this leg of the trip: View Larger Map - Glendive, MT to Oacoma, SD We first took a brief zip around Glendive to catch some of the sights... [caption id="attachment_3033" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Giant Dinosaur Sign in Glendive, Montana next to the museum[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3032" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mural at the Glendive Museum[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3008" align="aligncenter" width="199"] There were signs like these in various parts of Glendive[/caption] Glendive, Montana is surrounded by badlands and there have been many finds…
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Sumoflam is Everywhere – A Photo Gallery

Arizona, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, City Skylines, Colorado, Horses, Missouri, North Dakota, Place Names, Route 66, South Carolina, South Dakota, Squirrels, States and Provinces, Trinity Music Productions, Wildflowers, Yard Art
Sumoflam and Thunderbirds in Bismarck, ND[/caption] Over the years I have taken nearly 30,000 photos of my travels and in most cases I have not been in the photos.  Over the coming months I will add new galleries that are thematic. this is the first one.  Enjoy!! [nggallery id=2] ]]>
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Road Trip to Idaho – Day 2: Savage, MN to Miles City, MT

Backroads Discoveries, Bison, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Dream Highways, Enchanted Highway, Family Travel, Farmland, Found Metal Sculptures, Geese, Geologic Formations, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, Lewis and Clark Sites, Minnesota, Montana, Murals, North Dakota, Place Names, Post Offices, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 2, Wall Art, Yard Art
Rural Scene on Enchanted Highway, South of Gladstone, ND[/caption] I embarked on Day 2 of my trip to Idaho - left Savage, MN in the midst of snow and fog.  The roads were scary heading northwest to Fargo, ND. [caption id="attachment_1818" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Snowy highways in Minnesota[/caption] Today (March 9, 2013) was the second leg of my trip to Idaho.  Today I drove from Savage, MN to Miles City, MT.  I drove 781 miles over a 14 hour stretch.  Following is the map of the trip. View Larger Map My first stop along the way was for gas.  I stopped in Avon, MN.....which, I discovered, is also the home of the Lake Wobegon Trail.  The trail is 46 miles long and 10 feet wide.  It opened in 1998.  Avon is…
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Looking Back: Places Gone But Not Forgotten

Bridges, Colorado, North Dakota, Route 66, South Dakota
THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE THOUSANDS WHO EITHER LOST THEIR LIVES OR WERE DIRECTLY IMPACTED BY THE TERRIBLE EVENTS OF SEPT. 11, 2001 [caption id="attachment_1757" align="aligncenter" width="640"] World Trade Center and Statue of Liberty - Dec. 1990[/caption] All of us have been to a local store or restaurant that is now no longer in business.  Many times we drive by the empty shell of the former restaurant or store and may have a sense of sadness.  I know that here in Lexington I can probably drive by well over a dozen such restaurant locations and probably as many store locations. World Trade Center - Formerly in New York City Sometimes, similar things happen to tourist attractions, roadside attractions and the like.  I am pleased that I have had an…
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Another Central Kentucky Roadtrip – Stanford and Crab Orchard

Bucket List Trips, City Skylines, Route 66
Old Pepsi Wall Ad - downtown Stanford, KY[/caption] On Thursday (Feb. 28, 2013) my wife and I made a trip to Stanford, KY for a meeting.  Stanford is the second oldest town in the state and Lincoln County is one of Kentucky's three original counties.  Benjamin Logan accompanied Daniel Boone to the area and in 1775 built a fort in what is now Stanford.  It was originally called Logan's Fort. A diorama replica of the fort is housed in the Lincoln County Public Library. I figured that while we were in Stanford we could also catch a bit of the history and scenery of of the area, so we made it a half day "Sumoflam Road Trip" and took some back roads.  Following is the map of our route for…
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I've Been Everywhere – Part IV: Just a few more fun signs

Arizona, Backroads Discoveries, Bucket List Trips, Colorado, Horses, Missouri, Place Names, Route 66, South Dakota, Squirrels, States and Provinces, Trinity Music Productions, Yard Art
Welcome to Mars[/caption] Perhaps Mars, Pennsylvania is the most famous of our planet named towns in the US. No one is sure how the name "Mars" came into being. Some say it was Samuel Park's wife,  who enjoyed astronomy, and others aver that it might be shortened from Samuel Marshall's name.  In any case, on March 6, 1895, Mars was incorporated as a borough.  Residents of Mars are often called "Martians", or "Planets" because of the high school team name, The Fighting Planets. There are a number of other places in the U.S. named after planets. has a nice list of the many town names and place names.  Of all of those on that list, perhaps the most well known would include Jupiter, FL, and Blue Earth, MN, which…
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I've Been Everywhere – Part III: More Unique Town Signs

Arizona, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Horses, Missouri, North Dakota, Place Names, Route 66, South Dakota, Squirrels, States and Provinces, Trinity Music Productions, Wildflowers
Rabbit Hash, KY[/caption] There are literally hundreds of fun town names around the U.S. and I have barely scratched the surface with them.  In my last post, I noted many names that are common adjectives or descriptive.  This post will have some signs from some of the more unusual place names and hopefully, a little about how the names came to be. [caption id="attachment_802" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Rabbit Hash, KY sign[/caption] Rabbit Hash, KY - This small town of about 40 people is right on the Ohio River in Boone County.  Besides its name, it is also famous for its string of mayors...all dogs. Nobody really knows for sure when the original name of Rabbit Hash came to be.  According to a Wikipedia article, " The hamlet was originally known as…
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I've Been Everywhere – Part II: Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

Arizona, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Colorado, Horses, Missouri, Place Names, Route 66, South Dakota, Squirrels, States and Provinces, Trinity Music Productions, Wildflowers
Sumoflam's Signs[/caption] One of the norms of driving the back roads of America are the town signs.  Anyone that drives any roads typically sees hundreds of them.  Of course, some are pretty typical town names, but, there are many that aren't typical.   Here are a few "descriptive" town name signs that I have picked up along the less beaten paths of America.  I have written about some of these places, but now we can "compare." I would like to say I have made it to all of the strange and wacky town places, but indeed I have not.  Here is one non-definitive list from  Here are a couple more links to the topic - Top 10 Worst Named Cities, Bad Names for Towns, Interesting Town Names. As my photo…
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Lynn's Paradise Cafe – A Feast for Eyes and Tummy!!

Backroads Discoveries, Bridges, Route 66, South Dakota
Lynn's Paradise Cafe[/caption] Welcome to Lynn's Paradise Cafe in Louisville, Kentucky.  This is probably the most unique place you will ever eat at.  Funky lamps everywhere, colorful everything...a real fun place!!  Oh, and did I mention the food?? [caption id="attachment_510" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Squeeze the Day[/caption] Start off the day right with a good breakfast at Lynn's.  They do not skimp on the servings and the eating is YUMMIFEROUS!! Much of my family met there in late December 2012 for a big breakfast.  Here are some of the goodies we had. [caption id="attachment_508" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Breakfast![/caption] [caption id="attachment_504" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Crunchcakes[/caption] [caption id="attachment_505" align="aligncenter" width="225"] French Toast in Bourbon Sauce[/caption] [caption id="attachment_506" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Matador Omelet and Cheese Grits[/caption] [caption id="attachment_507" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Biscuits and Gravy[/caption] [caption id="attachment_514" align="aligncenter" width="199"] Hot…
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