Visiting Muhlenberg County, Kentucky: The Bard Distillery – Graham, Kentucky
Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Distilleries, Eateries, John Prine, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Offbeat Places, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Signs and Billboards, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Unique Shops, US Highway 62, Wanderlust, Welcome Signs
[caption id="attachment_33682" align="alignleft" width="300"] Bard Distillery - Graham, Kentucky[/caption] This is the sixth in my series on Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. On August 18, 2021 I was invited by Misty Deason, the owner of Apple House Mercantile and a member of the Muhlenberg County Board of Tourism, to come out for a visit. She now carries my Less Beaten Paths books in her shop and wanted me to come out and sign them and then visit some of the major tourist attractions in this small, but unique, Kentucky county. [caption id="attachment_33661" align="alignright" width="300"] Bard Distillery Plaque[/caption] Among the many places visited was The Bard Distillery located in the small community of Graham, Kentucky. Though I don't drink alcoholic beverages of any kind, I am still interested in the processes that distillers…