Jackalope Heaven – Douglas, Wyoming
Backroads Discoveries, Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Giant Things, Jackalope, Large Statues, Museums, Mythical Creatures, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Wyoming
Large Jackalope - Douglas, WY Railroad Museum[/caption] Douglas, Wyoming claims to be the "Official Home of the Jackalope." Throughout the west one can find jackalopes in shops and statues of them. They even have a Jackalope Days in June. [caption id="attachment_558" align="aligncenter" width="239"] Jackalope Crossing[/caption] According to legendsofamerica.com, "The jackalope is said to be an antlered species of rabbit, sometimes rumored to be extinct. One of the rarest animals in the world, it is a cross etween a now extinct pygmy-deer and a species of killer rabbit. The antlered species of rabbit are brownish in color, weigh between three and five pounds and move with lighting speeds of up to 90 miles per hour. [caption id="attachment_556" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Wyoming Jackalope[/caption] Apparently the first jackalope was spotted in 1829 near the…