Washington State: A Day in Seattle

Airlines, Birds, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, City Skylines, Eateries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Geologic Formations, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, People Shots, Roadside Attractions, Seagulls, Selfies, Street Art, Street Musicians, Street People, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Houses, Unique Places, Vintage Neon, Washington
[caption id="attachment_13771" align="alignleft" width="300"] Flying to Seattle[/caption] After a long day of travel to Washington via Delta Airlines, first to Salt Lake City and then into Seattle-Tacoma Airport, and then a good nights rest, we had the opportunity to spend a day in Seattle with the family. [caption id="attachment_13773" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Getting on the Foot Ferry in Port Orchard[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13769" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Kitsap Foot Ferry in Port Orchard[/caption] Bremerton Ferry [caption id="attachment_13767" align="alignright" width="300"] Riding the Hyak from Bremerton Terminal[/caption] Since my daughter Amaree and her family live in Port Orchard, we had to take ferries across the Puget Sound to get to Seattle. We started with the Port Orchard Foot Ferry Service that took us from Port Orchard into Bremerton. Then we got on the Bremerton Ferry which…
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Washington State: A Week of Travel and Variety

BBQ Places, Birds, City Skylines, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Murals, Mythical Creatures, National Parks, Roadside Attractions, Seagulls, Selfies, States and Provinces, Street Art, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 101, Wall Art, Washington, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_13662" align="aligncenter" width="474"] A Wide View of Mt. Rainier[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13657" align="aligncenter" width="474"] The family getting ready to head to Seattle on Day 1 of our visit. We made the T-shirts ourselves[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13623" align="alignright" width="225"] Julianne and David at the Beach in Washington[/caption] After our beautiful vacation and stay at the Borneo lodge which you can find on borneoecotours.com/borneo-rainforest-lodge, my wife and I had the opportunity to fly to Seattle at the end of July for a nice week (actually 9 days) of fun with our family out there.  Over the next couple of weeks I will have a few posts about our adventures, but wanted to provide a brief preview of what we experienced: Beaches, Mountains, Sights, Sounds, Eats and Quirky fun!! [caption id="attachment_13643" align="aligncenter" width="474"] The…
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