50,000 Views and a Reinvention of Myself

Random Thoughts, Travel Blogging
A few days ago my Less Beaten Paths blog hit the 50,000 viewer mark. This is after about 22 months of being live. (see iPhone screen capture at left) In comparison with other similar travel blogs, I am probably way far off in terms of viewers. But, honestly, that is not as important to me as what this milestone means and what doing this blog has had in terms of an impact on my life. I started writing my Less Beaten Paths travel blog in January 2013. At that time I had been unemployed for a couple of months from a job that I dearly loved and truly excelled at.  It was a shock for me to be let go, but I was among many that weekend.  Nonetheless, I was…
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Jurustic Park – The Land of Scrap Metal Dragons and Critters

Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Mythical Creatures, Roadside Attractions, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Wisconsin
Jurustic Park - Marshfield, Wisconsin[/caption] Last October (2012) I made a trip to Wisconsin with my daughter and granddaughter.  We visited a number of places, but there was none better than Jurustic Park.  (You can see the entire trip report posts here -- Wisconsin Trip 2012). Jurustic Park is the brainchild of former attorney Clyde Wynia, who calls himself a paleontologist. [caption id="attachment_3793" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Clyde Wynia - the local Jurustic Park paleontologist[/caption] In reality, he has taken to doing metal work and welding of a hundreds of critters, which, he claims (in his paleontologist hat), were many of the "extinct creatures that inhabited the large McMillan Marsh near Marshfield during the Iron Age."  He claims to have discovered these creatures and has worked to get them back together.  Wisconsin Public…
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Screaming Heads and Midlothian Castle – Ontario

Backroads Discoveries, Bucket List Trips, Family Travel, Farmland, Giant Things, Large Statues, Mythical Creatures, Ontario, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Yard Art
Just about 4 years ago I took a drive through Algonquin National Park in Ontario.  On the trip we also headed west into Burk's Falls to visit the famed "Screaming Heads" and Midlothian Castle.  This was a fascinating trip. This entire project was begun by school teacher and artist Peter Camani.  He is a Secondary School teacher, but has also spent over 25 years constructing Monolith-like sculptures in the shape of giant heads, which are scattered throughout the property. A two-headed dragon sits atop the chimney of his Midlothian Castle and he has a version of the See/Say/Hear No Evils greet visitors. There are more than a hundred “screaming head” sculptures, each one at least 20 feet in height. According to Wikipedia, Camani says he "built his otherworldly creations as…
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An Alien in Mars

An Alien in Mars

Backroads Discoveries, Cross Country Road Trips, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Pennsylvania, Place Names, Post Offices, Roadside Attractions, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Yard Art
Famous Spaceship in Mars, PA[/caption] On a trip between Canada and Lexington in April 2008 I took a trip to West Virginia and Pennsylvania and made my way to Mars (see full report). [caption id="attachment_168" align="alignleft" width="227"] Welcome to Mars[/caption] Mars is a small town in western Pennsylvania.  From what I could locate there is not really any history as to how the town got its name.  The town was founded in 1873 by a Samuel Parks, where he eventually had a Post Office added to his home and had assistance from a certain Samuel Marshall.  The original name was Overbrook, but in 1882 it was changed to Mars since there was already a train station along the way called Overbrook. Speculation has it that the town was a shortened…
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