R is for Roadsigns – #atozchallenge

Anyone who drives on a road, whether city street or an interstate highway, always depends on roadsigns and street signs to find their way. In this age of GPS, we sometimes miss the turns because we’re not looking for the roadsigns.

Well, on the back roads of America there are many fun and unique roadsigns. Perhaps they weren’t meant to be that way as places were named certain names sometimes as far back as the 1600s and 1700s. But, sometimes neighborhood designers throw in funny names for streets or neighborhoods.

Charm, Ohio
Corner of This Way and That Way in Lake Jackson, TX

In this post I want to take a look at some of the roadsigns I have come across in my travels. Indeed, that has been one of my fun challenges. As I have noted on one of my pages, I am a “Collector of Places.” I can collect roadsigns, street signs and directional signs with the snap of a camera shutter. And that is what I do.

To start off with, I want to look at a few street signs. Some of these can be pretty unique. Perhaps the most interesting story comes out of Lake Jackson, Texas. The main drag if you will is named “This Way.” And, as a matter of fact, when it gets into downtown Lake Jackson, it intersects with another road called That Way. To be sure, there is a story associated with that and I have included the plaque that sits on the street by that intersection which 16 complete explains why there is a This Way and That Way in Lake Jackson.

This Way U Turn
Plaque describing the naming of the roads This Way and That Way in Lake Jackson, TX

Now, if you prefer, there is The Udder Way in Yellow Springs, OH. It’s just actually a small private drive that goes into a large ice cream shop in the Little Miami River region of Ohio.

Lost? Try going the Udder Way, This is in Yellow Springs, OH

If you were more into a fantasy trip, then how about taking Wonderland Road near Upton, KY or the Yellow Brick Road near Dayton, OH.

Wonderland Road, Upton, KY
There is a Yellow Brick Road in Ohio
The Yellow Brick Road near Dayton, OH

If you don’t care about the name of the street, try No Name Street in Millersburg, OH.

No Name Street in Millersburg, OH

If you happen to be driving in Austin, Texas, you can find an interesting intersection at the corner of Music and Academy. Or, and yet another town in Ohio, there is an intersection of Sugar and Water in Chillicothe, OH.

Corner of Music and Academy in Austin, TX
A Sugar and Water corner in Chillicothe, Ohio

There is a Normal St. in Bowling Green, Kentucky. And there are a couple of Bugtussle street names including Bugtussle Road in Bugtussle, Kentucky and Bugtussle Blvd. in the middle of nowhereville Texas.

Normal St. in Bowling Green, KY
Bugtussle, KY
Road sign in Bugtussle, TX…the only indication you are at the intersection of FM1550 and TX34

I got a chuckle when driving through Cary, NC and came across Ten-Ten Rd.

I also came upon a Bliss Rd. in Columbia, KY, but it did not seem to bring me any bliss, until I discovered Bliss Happens Lane and Easy Street!

Bliss Rd in Columbia KY
And I found where Bliss Happens in Maryland
Easy Street in Port Orchard, WA

Head to DeForest, WI and there is an Elephant Trail. Drive down that road and look carefully and you will find a giant pink elephant!

Elephant Trail in DeForest, WI

If you are not too picky, you can drive down Booger Hollow Rd. in Gray, KY.

Booger Hollow Rd. in Gray, KY

For a drive with a bit of zing, trying to drive down Chile Capital Lane in Hatch, NM.

Chile Capital Lane in Hatch, NM

And for a real Jurassic adventure, how about visiting the corner of Gorgosaurus Ave and T. Rex Trail in Indianapolis.

Gorgosaurus Ave in Indianapolis
T. Rex Trail in Indianapolis

One time I was driving on the back roads of Lexington, where I live, and came upon Real Quiet Lane. But shhhhh… keep it quiet OK?

Shhh…this is a Real Quiet Lane in Lexington, KY

Back in Ohio, in the Little Italy section of Cleveland, there is just a Random Road.

Random Road, Little Italy neighborhood of Cleveland, OH

OK, yes, since you asked, I have been to Bourbon St. in New Orleans!

Bourbon Street in New Orleans in 2011

But, perhaps the best road to take is Only Rd. in Only, TN

The Only Rd. to Only, TN
This way to Only, TN

Perhaps it’s not a road that you’re looking for, but rather a town or community. There are an abundance of fun road signs for these.

If somebody tells you to go to Hell, there is a sign for that in Michigan! If you are seeking Romance or Success, these signs will point the way for you in Missouri. And, you can also get directions to Prosperity in Pennsylvania. And you can find Talent in Oregon or Wisdom in Kentucky.

This way to Hell, MI Indeed, you can get to Hell….
I took the road, but never did find Romance in Missouri in 2011.  Turned out to be a dead end.
Success, Missouri direction
Heading to Prosperity in Pennsylvania
Talent, Oregon
You can find Charm in Ohio
And you can find Wisdom in Kentucky
If you go this route in Montana you will be able to Divide Wisdom, whatever that means

Along the way you may run into Normal, Peculiar, Odd or Oddville. You could even get stuck in Uncertain….it is one way in and one way out. Or maybe Boring.

Normal, IL
This way to Peculiar, Missouri
Odd School Road takes you into the town of Odd, WV
Or you can visit Oddville, Kentucky
Oddville Sunrise Road
Finding Uncertainty in Uncertain, TX
Boring, Oregon

Lonely? Head to Friendship or Friendly.

Friendship, Arkansas
Friendly, West Virginia

And these are cool places to visit…

Cool, Texas
Coolville, Ohio
Santa Claus, IN

Lost? Go this way to Earth.

Muleshoe and Earth, TX

If you prefer to go to Muleshoe, maybe you would like Donkey or some other assortment of critters.

Donkey, VA near Pound, VA
One of my favorite shots…Alligator, MS
Fly, Ohio
Black Gnat, KY

And a few more just for fun:

Home on the Range sign in North Dakota
Sign to Future City, Illinois…I guess it is not there yet??
Feely, Montana
Ponder, Texas
Winner, South Dakota
Truth or Consequences, NM

I guess this post is going down the drain!

Drain, OR