2024 in Review: Town Name Murals – My 500th Post

2024 in Review: Town Name Murals – My 500th Post

Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Family Travel, Graffiti Walls, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Murals, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Route 66, Selfies, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Wall Art, Wanderlust, West Virginia
[caption id="attachment_40088" align="alignnone" width="640"] Sumoflam in Fate, TX[/caption] First of all, this is my 500th blog post since beginning my blogging in 2008!! When I am traveling I am always going through the small towns and big ones on the lookout for large murals that welcome visitors to their towns and cities.  This continued to be one of my objectives in travel in 2024.  There is always a great variety of these from large to small.  Unlike my regular mural posts, I don't spend any time looking for the artists of these signs.  Just want to share the photos and the locations. Have a lot from Oklahoma and Texas since I took a couple of trips there.  Let's go!! Enjoy the Ride. [caption id="attachment_40163" align="alignnone" width="640"] Welcome to Hillsboro, TX[/caption]…
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2024 in Review: Roadside Attractions – Part 2 – Sculptures and Roadside Art

2024 in Review: Roadside Attractions – Part 2 – Sculptures and Roadside Art

Adventure, Airlines, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Blue Heron, Books, Bucket List Trips, Eagles, Family Travel, Giant Things, Indiana, Kentucky, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Ohio, Oklahoma, Peacock, Pigs, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside America Books, Roadside Attractions, States and Provinces, Street Art, Texas, Travel Blogging, Unique Places
Not every roadside attraction is quirky or strange. Sometimes we can learn from them or gain some perspective in life. Sculptures are always an interesting subject and I saw plenty of them in 2024, from larger than life historical monuments to themed art in small towns. Also want to give a big shoutout to Roadside America for guidance on some of these locations. OKLAHOMA CENTENNIAL LAND RUN MONUMENT - OKLAHOMA CITY [caption id="attachment_39428" align="alignnone" width="640"] Centennial Land Run Monument - Oklahoma City[/caption] This monument has special significance to me as I had two great-grandfathers and a great-great-grandfather that participated in one of the four historic land runs in Oklahoma in the late 1800s. On September 16, 1893 my great-grandfather Pascal Hanks, his father Joseph W. Hanks (a first cousin to…
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2024 in Review: Roadside Attractions – Part 1 – The Big Stuff

2024 in Review: Roadside Attractions – Part 1 – The Big Stuff

Adventure, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Dinosaurs, Eateries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Garth Brooks, Giant Things, Illinois, Indiana, Junk Art, Junk-art Sculptures, Kansas, Kentucky, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Muffler Man, Murals, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Quirky Things, Roadside America Books, Roadside Attractions, Sasquatch Art, Selfies, Street Art, Tennessee, Texas, Tourist Traps, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, West Virginia, Yard Art
At the beginning of 2024 I had hopes of traveling across the country to Washington State, but sadly, that didn't work out.  Sickness, job losses and other challenges seriously reduced my travels.  Despite all of that, I still was able to get some travel in.  I had the opportunity to travel to or through eleven different states as I visited my sister in Texas and in Oklahoma.  She also traveled with me on a couple of occasions.  I also made trips to Ohio for family, a small trip to West Virginia and trips to Indiana and Missouri for my late 2024 job with Uranus Fudge Factory while it lasted.  Along the way, as is my travel routine, I hit up numerous road side attractions and oddities.  I had a few…
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2024 in Review: Street Signs and Cemeteries

2024 in Review: Street Signs and Cemeteries

Adventure, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Offbeat Places, Oklahoma, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Signs and Billboards, Stop Signs, Tennessee, Texas, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places
This post is kind of a follow up to yesterday’s post on town names. There were so many town names that the post was longer than anticipated. Its always fun running across unique street and road names. And then there are the interesting cemetery names as well. Here are a few from my 2024 road trips: Okay Road - Pink, Oklahoma Okay Road in Pink, Oklahoma Garth Brooks Road - Yukon, Oklahoma Garth Brooks Road in Yukon, Oklahoma Mickey Mantle Dr. - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mickey Mantle Dr. - Oklahoma City. Mickey Mantle was from nearby Commerce, Oklahoma Happy Valley Rd. - Happy Valley, Tennessee Happy Valley Road - Blount County, Tennessee Johnny Bench St. - Binger, Oklahoma Johnny Bench was from Binger, Oklahoma Easy St., Rogers, Arkansas There is…
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2024 In Review: Unique Town Names

2024 In Review: Unique Town Names

Adventure, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bike Trails, Black Bear, Books, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Church Signs, Cross Country Road Trips, Deer, Distilleries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Ghost Signs, Ghost Towns, Graffiti Walls, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Landscapes, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Murals, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, National Parks, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Place Names, Post Offices, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, Street Art, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Volunteer Fire Departments, Wall Art, Wanderlust, Water Towers, Welcome Signs, West Virginia
As many of my followers know, in my travels, among all the things I see, I am always on the lookout for unique town/place names and fun street signs. Last year was no different. In fact, I was even fortunate enough to get to two of my Bucket List locations while traveling. Following are the places I visited in 2024 along with photos and, in some cases, the histories behind the names. NOWHERE, OKLAHOMA [caption id="attachment_39134" align="alignnone" width="640"] Nowhere Bait Shop - Nowhere, Oklahoma[/caption] A long time resident of my Unique Town Names bucket list has been Nowhere, Oklahoma. Who doesn’t want to take a selfie in the middle of Nowhere? [caption id="attachment_39139" align="alignnone" width="640"] Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere[/caption] I had a trip to Oklahoma in late November…
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2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 4 – North Central Tennessee – August 2023

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 4 – North Central Tennessee – August 2023

Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bike Trails, Books, Car Art, Eateries, Family Travel, Ice Cream Places, Junk Art, Junk-art Sculptures, Less Beaten Paths Books, Murals, Offbeat Places, People Shots, Place Names, Post Offices, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Sasquatch Art, Selfies, Tennessee, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Unique Places, US Highway 127, Vintage Neon, Wall Art, Wanderlust, Welcome Signs, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_38779" align="alignnone" width="640"] Cookeville, Tennessee[/caption] In August 2023 we made another kayak/hiking trip to North Central Tennessee.  While my wife kayaked, I visited an old high school friend in Cookeville, Tennessee.  It also happened to be the weekend of the famed US 127 "World's Longest Yard Sale" which covers 690 miles through six states.  I took advantage of grabbing a few shots.  Sadly, my favorite motel, The Jordan Motel in Jamestown was both booked solid for that weekend and was also consumed by dozens of folks selling their wares in the yard sale. Cookeville is a fun little town. A few murals, some cool railroad stuff and a few other things that make it a cool place. [caption id="attachment_38780" align="alignnone" width="474"] Cookeville Proud Mural[/caption] [caption id="attachment_38773" align="alignnone" width="471"] Another Cookeville,…
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2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 2 – April and May

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 2 – April and May

Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bike Trails, Books, Bridges, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Covered Bridges, Family Travel, Farmland, Flowers, Hiking Trails, Kentucky, Landscapes, Mountains, Murals, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Sheltowee Trace, Staycations, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Welcome Signs, Wildflowers
The second quarter of 2023 was not a super busy travel period for me.  I was still recovering from my shoulder injury, but was thrilled to begin "breaking in" the new (to us) GX460. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="649"] Mural in McKee, KY[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] Sheltowee Trace near McKee[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] I was struck by the beauty of this old house in McKee, KY[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] Nature on the Sheltowee Trace[/caption] Our first trip was once again associated with the Sheltowee Trace as we traveled to McKee, Kentucky. While Julianne hiked, I drove into the countryside and made a few new discoveries.  After her hike we did our traditional Mexican Food restaurant visit, this time hitting up the El Dorado Restaurant in McKee.  It was…
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2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 1

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 1

Adventure, American Kestrel, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Belted Kingfisher, Camel, Distilleries, Eagles, Family Travel, Geologic Formations, Kentucky, Landscapes, Less Beaten Paths Books, Museums, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 31
The year 2023 was a roller coaster ride!!  Some wonderful travel opportunities happened, but there were accidents and operations that seemed to throw hurdles in the way.  Following is a highlight post for the year. [caption id="attachment_37711" align="alignnone" width="640"] Welcome to Hocking Hills, Ohio[/caption] We actually started off 2023 on the road with a trip up to Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio.  My wife met her sister and they camped out in the cold with our daughter in a nice big tent.  I spent the night in a nearby motel in Logan, Ohio.  It was January.  It was cold.  While they slept, I visited Lake Logan State Park to check it out.  Much of the lake was nearly frozen over.  Logan, Ohio is a nice little town. Saw a…
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2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: A Breakfast Surprise in Houma

2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: A Breakfast Surprise in Houma

Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, People Shots, Selfies, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places
Home Sweet Houma mural in Houma, LA   In July we took a 3001 mile road trip through ten states over eight days. We visited many local eateries along the way - I take road trips with an “Eat Local” philosophy. Bayou Country Café in Houma, LA   We spent the fourth night of our trip in the fabulous city of New Orleans. But we wanted to get on the road early and get down to Houma for breakfast. Houma is one of the main places for the filming of the History Channel’s “Swamp People” and is in the heart of Cajun country. We had hoped to find a good “Cajun” place for breakfast. Inside the Bayou Country Café   After looking at options, we decided on the Bayou Country…
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2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: The Overview

2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: The Overview

Adventure, Alabama, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bakeries, BBQ Places, Beaches, Big Cities, Big John, Birds, Books, Bridges, Brown Pelican, Bucket List Trips, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Cities and Towns, City Skylines, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Florida, Found Metal Sculptures, Georgia, Ghost Signs, Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Highways and Roadways, Junk Art, Junk-art Sculptures, Kentucky, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Muffler Man, Murals, Museums, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, National Monuments, Nature and Scenery, Offbeat Places, Peter Wolf Toth, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, Street Art, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Uniroyal Gal, US Highway 98, Wall Art, Wanderlust, Water Towers, Welcome Signs, Whispering Giants, Whispering Giants, Wood Stork, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_37550" align="alignnone" width="640"] On our way for a fun road trip! Autumn in the front with me and Chelsea and Jorge in the back.[/caption] I  was thrilled to finally get in a good road trip in July 2023.  My last multi-day road trip took place back in October 2022 when I traveled Route 66 in Illinois to celebrate by 66th birthday.  The July 2023 was taken south to the Gulf Coast, then along the coastal highways and eventually into New Orleans.  From there were went on to Houston, Keller and Uncertain, all in Texas, before heading back to Kentucky.  All in all, we traveled 3001 miles over an eight day period and traveled through ten different states.  I say we as on this trip I was accompanied by my…
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