2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 3 – June and July

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 3 – June and July

Adventure, Antique Shops, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bakeries, Books, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Burger Joints, Cross Country Road Trips, Farmland, Geologic Formations, Kentucky, Landscapes, Less Beaten Paths Books, Murals, Museums, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, National Monuments, National Parks, Offbeat Places, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, Tennessee, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 31, US Highway 70, Wanderlust, Waterfalls, Welcome Signs
The month of June 2023 kicked off a very busy couple of months of travel including some big road trips and a long-awaited and long overdue trip to Florida and the Gulf Coast (see post here).  The month started off with a visit to Grayson Lake State Park in Kentucky and the area around it including Carter Caves State Park.  We had visited  both of these places in the past, so I am not posting much from that first week. However, in mid-June Julianne and a friend went kayaking near Magnolia, Kentucky  While they did, I made my to Hodgenville, Kentucky and the Lincoln Heritage areas nearby.  Hodgenville has a couple of nice Lincoln statues in the town square.  And they have a fairly well known hole in the wall…
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2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 2 – April and May

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 2 – April and May

Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bike Trails, Books, Bridges, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Covered Bridges, Family Travel, Farmland, Flowers, Hiking Trails, Kentucky, Landscapes, Mountains, Murals, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Sheltowee Trace, Staycations, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Welcome Signs, Wildflowers
The second quarter of 2023 was not a super busy travel period for me.  I was still recovering from my shoulder injury, but was thrilled to begin "breaking in" the new (to us) GX460. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="649"] Mural in McKee, KY[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] Sheltowee Trace near McKee[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] I was struck by the beauty of this old house in McKee, KY[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="651"] Nature on the Sheltowee Trace[/caption] Our first trip was once again associated with the Sheltowee Trace as we traveled to McKee, Kentucky. While Julianne hiked, I drove into the countryside and made a few new discoveries.  After her hike we did our traditional Mexican Food restaurant visit, this time hitting up the El Dorado Restaurant in McKee.  It was…
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2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 1

2023: Year in Travel and Other Stories – Part 1

Adventure, American Kestrel, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Belted Kingfisher, Camel, Distilleries, Eagles, Family Travel, Geologic Formations, Kentucky, Landscapes, Less Beaten Paths Books, Museums, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 31
The year 2023 was a roller coaster ride!!  Some wonderful travel opportunities happened, but there were accidents and operations that seemed to throw hurdles in the way.  Following is a highlight post for the year. [caption id="attachment_37711" align="alignnone" width="640"] Welcome to Hocking Hills, Ohio[/caption] We actually started off 2023 on the road with a trip up to Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio.  My wife met her sister and they camped out in the cold with our daughter in a nice big tent.  I spent the night in a nearby motel in Logan, Ohio.  It was January.  It was cold.  While they slept, I visited Lake Logan State Park to check it out.  Much of the lake was nearly frozen over.  Logan, Ohio is a nice little town. Saw a…
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2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: A Breakfast Surprise in Houma

2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: A Breakfast Surprise in Houma

Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, People Shots, Selfies, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places
Home Sweet Houma mural in Houma, LA   In July we took a 3001 mile road trip through ten states over eight days. We visited many local eateries along the way - I take road trips with an “Eat Local” philosophy. Bayou Country Café in Houma, LA   We spent the fourth night of our trip in the fabulous city of New Orleans. But we wanted to get on the road early and get down to Houma for breakfast. Houma is one of the main places for the filming of the History Channel’s “Swamp People” and is in the heart of Cajun country. We had hoped to find a good “Cajun” place for breakfast. Inside the Bayou Country Café   After looking at options, we decided on the Bayou Country…
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2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: The Overview

2023 Gulf Coast Road Trip: The Overview

Adventure, Alabama, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Bakeries, BBQ Places, Beaches, Big Cities, Big John, Birds, Books, Bridges, Brown Pelican, Bucket List Trips, Buildings, Barns and Houses, Cities and Towns, City Skylines, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Florida, Found Metal Sculptures, Georgia, Ghost Signs, Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Highways and Roadways, Junk Art, Junk-art Sculptures, Kentucky, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Muffler Man, Murals, Museums, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, National Monuments, Nature and Scenery, Offbeat Places, Peter Wolf Toth, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, Street Art, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Uniroyal Gal, US Highway 98, Wall Art, Wanderlust, Water Towers, Welcome Signs, Whispering Giants, Whispering Giants, Wood Stork, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_37550" align="alignnone" width="640"] On our way for a fun road trip! Autumn in the front with me and Chelsea and Jorge in the back.[/caption] I  was thrilled to finally get in a good road trip in July 2023.  My last multi-day road trip took place back in October 2022 when I traveled Route 66 in Illinois to celebrate by 66th birthday.  The July 2023 was taken south to the Gulf Coast, then along the coastal highways and eventually into New Orleans.  From there were went on to Houston, Keller and Uncertain, all in Texas, before heading back to Kentucky.  All in all, we traveled 3001 miles over an eight day period and traveled through ten different states.  I say we as on this trip I was accompanied by my…
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Planning a Road Trip Sumoflam Style: 2023

Planning a Road Trip Sumoflam Style: 2023

Adventure, Alabama, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, BBQ Places, Books, Bucket List Trips, Burger Joints, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Offbeat Places, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside America Books, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Travel Blogging, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Unique Shops
If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison As summer approaches we all get excited about travel of some sort.  For me, it is a long road trip on back roads that I look forward to.  There is so much to see in this great country of ours.  And, despite my having been to all 50 states, there is so much I have yet to see and experience.  I am going to share my travel planning secrets and methodologies in this post.  Have traveled well over 2 million road miles in my 66 years -- including a few years as a tour guide and charter bus driver.  In all of those miles I have learned a few things.  And, of course, I…
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Using the Roadside America App (for iPhone or iPad): A Primer

Using the Roadside America App (for iPhone or iPad): A Primer

Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Junk Art, Junk-art Sculptures, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Muffler Man, Offbeat Places, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside America Books, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, States and Provinces, Travel Blogging, Uniroyal Gal, Whispering Giants
Over the years of my blogging, I have often mentioned Roadside America, both the website and the iPhone/iPad app, as excellent tools to assist in both your road trip planning and actual road trip guidance while on the road. In this post I am going to explain the app and why one should use it on a road trip. This is not a sponsored post, but rather a detailed post based on my own personal experiences with the app for the past 13 years. I will note upfront, however, that I highly recommend this app to all who may plan on traveling.     WHAT IS ROADSIDE AMERICA? [caption id="attachment_37483" align="alignnone" width="316" alt="" height="475"] Cover of the original Roadside America book from 1986[/caption] I have been a fan and user…
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The Bears of Kentucky Hwy 11 (and other fun stuff)

The Bears of Kentucky Hwy 11 (and other fun stuff)

Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, BBQ Places, Books, Burger Joints, Family Travel, Geologic Formations, Kentucky, KY Highway 11, Landscapes, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Offbeat Places, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Sasquatch Art, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, Staycations, Tourist Traps, Unique Places, Unique Shops, Welcome Signs, Wood Carved Bears
[caption id="attachment_37383" align="alignnone" width="485"] Highway 11 runs north of Slade and joins Highway 15 near Campton, KY[/caption] Kentucky Highway 11 runs from Maysville to Barbourville, KY.  It is 182.5 miles in length and is planned to become a "macro-corridor" within Kentucky.  This post only covers a small section of the highway as it runs through the world famous Red River Gorge National Geologic Area and through Natural Bridge State Resort Park and into Slade.  This area is probably the most highly visited natural area in Kentucky and this section of Highway 11 is most certainly the most heavily traveled of anywhere along the nearly 183 mile stretch. Being a major tourist draw, especially near Natural Bridge, this section features numerous eating establishments, many cabin rentals, a smattering of gift shops…
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Unique Town Names Redux 2023

Unique Town Names Redux 2023

Adventure, Alabama, Arkansas, Backroads Discoveries, Bike Trails, Books, California, Church Signs, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Indiana, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Maryland, Murals, Nebraska, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Place Names, Post Offices, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Unique Places, US Highway 77, US Highway 87, Volunteer Fire Departments, Water Towers, Welcome Signs
Back in 2017 I published the first book in my Less Beaten Paths of America travel book series.  Titled "Unique Named Towns," I featured a number of  towns and places that I had visited over the years.  You can see (and even order)  that book on Amazon if interested. Since then, I have continued to travel and come across the unique, fun and quirky places.  This post is all about these great places.  However, don't expect any fantastic scenery pictures in this post.  Signs and selfies with signs aren't really anything to shout home about, but they do tell the story of how fun America can be.  I am only adding a few for fun here. [caption id="attachment_26768" align="alignnone" width="358"] Less Beaten Paths books[/caption] In writing this, I want to…
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2023: Life Throws Us Loops But We Move On

2023: Life Throws Us Loops But We Move On

Adventure, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Belted Kingfisher, Camel, Church Signs, Deer, Distilleries, Eagles, Emu, Geologic Formations, Hiking & Biking, Hiking Trails, Kentucky, Landscapes, Less Beaten Paths Books, Murals, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Place Names, Post Offices, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Sandhill Cranes, Selfies, Sheltowee Trace, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Wall Art, Waterfalls, Welcome Signs, Wildflowers
[caption id="attachment_37040" align="alignleft" width="300"] Here goes a new year![/caption] The first 3 months of 2023 were pretty wild for me.  If you, my readers, have wondered about the relative drought of blog posts and book reveals, then read on. I started off the new year with a quick trip to Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio.  My wife, my daughter Marissa and my wife's sister Laura did some hiking and camping.  It was a cold, but fun adventure for them.  They stayed in tents while I stayed in a hotel in nearby Logan, Ohio.  Nothing like starting off the new year with a trip.  While they hiked, I drove around and did my usual sightseeing. Fun for all of us. Hocking Hills is a beautiful place.  It has some nice…
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