A to Z Challenge: The G Towns #atozchallenge

A to Z Challenge, Amish Country, Animals, Antsy McClain, Backroads Discoveries, BBQ Places, Big John, Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Giraffe, Kentucky, Large Statues, Montana, Muffler Man, Murals, Museums, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Place Names, Random Thoughts, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, South Dakota, Street Art, Texas, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Uniroyal Gal, US Highway 2, US Highway 31, US Highway 41, US Highway 68, US Highway 79, US Highway 89, Vintage Neon, Wall Art, Water Towers, Wyoming, Yard Art, Zoos
During the month of April I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. The challenge has each blogger select a theme and then do a post thematically from A to Z during each day of April , except Sundays. My blog is number 1337 out of 1670 participating blogs. This year my A to Z posts will take you across the back roads of America to many unique what other bloggers will be posting about, check out the link: A to Z Theme Reveal List for 2016 The G Towns Gainesville, Texas [caption id="attachment_12525" align="alignnone" width="300"] Sumoflam at Glen Goode's Big People in Gainesville, TX[/caption] [caption id="attachment_496" align="alignnone" width="300"] Glen Goode's Big People[/caption] [caption id="attachment_493" align="alignnone" width="300"] Glen Goode's Big People[/caption] Across this great country there are…
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Wall Art in Lexington: PRHBTN 2015 Projects and more

Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Kentucky, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Street Art, Unique Places, Wall Art
Once again the great team at PRHBTN and all of its supporters have brought 4 great artists into Lexington to add 4 more lovely wall murals around Lexington.  These artists from New York, Italy and Portugal all visited Lexington and left with their art work colorizing more of town. (See updated map of all murals in Lexington embedded below) [caption id="attachment_14537" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Some PRHBTN Art on a wall in the Distillery District[/caption] [caption id="attachment_14536" align="alignleft" width="300"] Detail of Louis Armstrong mural in Lexington's East Side[/caption] The first week of November I made my rounds to grab shots of these murals. I have done similar posts in the past ( see 2014 2013a 2013b ) and this is the 2015 version. Unlike the art the past couple of years, we…
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Washington State: A Day in Seattle

Airlines, Birds, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, City Skylines, Eateries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Geologic Formations, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, People Shots, Roadside Attractions, Seagulls, Selfies, Street Art, Street Musicians, Street People, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Houses, Unique Places, Vintage Neon, Washington
[caption id="attachment_13771" align="alignleft" width="300"] Flying to Seattle[/caption] After a long day of travel to Washington via Delta Airlines, first to Salt Lake City and then into Seattle-Tacoma Airport, and then a good nights rest, we had the opportunity to spend a day in Seattle with the family. [caption id="attachment_13773" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Getting on the Foot Ferry in Port Orchard[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13769" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Kitsap Foot Ferry in Port Orchard[/caption] Bremerton Ferry [caption id="attachment_13767" align="alignright" width="300"] Riding the Hyak from Bremerton Terminal[/caption] Since my daughter Amaree and her family live in Port Orchard, we had to take ferries across the Puget Sound to get to Seattle. We started with the Port Orchard Foot Ferry Service that took us from Port Orchard into Bremerton. Then we got on the Bremerton Ferry which…
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Washington State: A Week of Travel and Variety

BBQ Places, Birds, City Skylines, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Murals, Mythical Creatures, National Parks, Roadside Attractions, Seagulls, Selfies, States and Provinces, Street Art, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 101, Wall Art, Washington, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_13662" align="aligncenter" width="474"] A Wide View of Mt. Rainier[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13657" align="aligncenter" width="474"] The family getting ready to head to Seattle on Day 1 of our visit. We made the T-shirts ourselves[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13623" align="alignright" width="225"] Julianne and David at the Beach in Washington[/caption] After our beautiful vacation and stay at the Borneo lodge which you can find on borneoecotours.com/borneo-rainforest-lodge, my wife and I had the opportunity to fly to Seattle at the end of July for a nice week (actually 9 days) of fun with our family out there.  Over the next couple of weeks I will have a few posts about our adventures, but wanted to provide a brief preview of what we experienced: Beaches, Mountains, Sights, Sounds, Eats and Quirky fun!! [caption id="attachment_13643" align="aligncenter" width="474"] The…
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Going to California: Santa Rosa – Ukiah – Red Bluff

Antsy McClain, Backroads Discoveries, Bucket List Trips, California, Cross Country Road Trips, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, Murals, Mythical Creatures, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Selfies, Street Art, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 101, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_12844" align="alignleft" width="300"] Goofing around at Carla's house with her pink flamingo hat and a few Antsy McClain posters[/caption] Day 2 of my Woodflock trip started off nice and slow.  No hurry so I was able to sleep in over at Carla's doublewide in Santa Rosa.  Woke up to a beautiful morning in the trailer park. Soon, Carla and I were on the road heading north.  She decided to go through Ukiah for a more scenic route (and likely to appeal to my wanderlust!) [caption id="attachment_12832" align="alignright" width="225"] In good hands with Carla!! Standing with Agraria by Larry Kirkland[/caption] Santa Rosa is home to a couple of quirky roadside attractions, so we stopped at these on our way out of town.  The first of them was a big hand…
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Going to California – San Francisco to Santa Rosa

Antsy McClain, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Bridges, Bucket List Trips, California, City Skylines, Colorado, Eateries, Graffiti Walls, Murals, Roadside Attractions, Rocky Mountains, Street Art, Street People, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Houses, Unique Places, US Highway 101, Vintage Neon, Wall Art, Yard Art
Woodflock - a relatively unknown destination for those unfamiliar with Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadours. For the last six years Flamingoheads from California and other places have gathered in the Sycamore Grove campground along the Sacramento River near Red Bluff, CA to enjoy time schmoozing with Antsy and the band and each other through music, meditation, arts and crafts and food. Held every Memorial Day weekend, the campground turns into a flamingo haven. [caption id="attachment_12817" align="alignright" width="300"] Singing with Antsy McClain[/caption] I have traveled with Antsy McClain on a cruise to Mexico, I have accompanied him on Field Trips in Kentucky and Texas and have toured with him and the band in Washington, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia and California, but I have never had the opportunity to attend…
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North Texas/Oklahoma Odyssey and beyond

Antsy McClain, Arkansas, Backroads Discoveries, BBQ Places, City Skylines, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Farmland, Found Metal Sculptures, Ghost Signs, Giant Things, Landscapes, Large Statues, Murals, Museums, Oklahoma, Ontario, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Street Art, Texas, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Houses, Unique Places, US Highways, Vintage Neon, Wall Art, Water Towers, Yard Art
(Note: This is part 3 of my Texas road trip reports from June 2014, covering the trip from Austin to Ft. Worth and then on to Denton, Paris, Oklahoma, Arkansas and home to Kentucky.) After spending a nice day in Austin, it was time to head north to Ft. Worth and then on to Kentucky.  Along the way I went from weird to spooky to strange to Friendship.  Here is the map of this portion of the trip. [caption id="attachment_12336" align="aligncenter" width="664"] My route from Austin, TX (weird) to Friendship, AR. Traveled in late June 2014[/caption] On this route I visited friends but also visited some other fun and quirky places.  My first stop was in Georgetown, TX.  Georgetown is home to some lovely Victorian architecture and also has one…
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#TBT – Yard Art, Swans and Mennonites in Southern Ontario

#TBT, Backroads Discoveries, Birds, Bucket List Trips, Canada, Farmland, Found Metal Sculptures, Landscapes, Large Statues, Mennonite Country, Museums, Ontario, People Shots, Roadside Attractions, Street Art, Swans, Throwback Thursday, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Yard Art
(Note: I was working at the Toyota Plant in Woodstock, Ontario as a Japanese interpreter at the time I wrote this post in 2008) March 26, 2008: It was a beautiful day and I got off work at 4:00 and decided to head out on a small road trip around the region.  A couple of days ago I met with Cathy Bingham, Director of the Oxford County, Ontario Tourism Office in Woodstock. She had contacted  me about my Jakeman's Syrup page and wanted to meet with me to give me more ideas.  We had a wonderful visit and she gave me some unique ideas, told me about the history of the area and focused me in on some different places to see, both in Oxford County as well as the…
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Austin Stays Weird – A Pictorial

Bakeries, City Skylines, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Found Metal Sculptures, Ghost Signs, Graffiti Walls, Murals, Roadside Attractions, Street Art, Texas, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, Vintage Neon, Yard Art
[caption id="attachment_11912" align="aligncenter" width="474"] greetings from Sumoflam in Austin[/caption] After a good night's rest at my cousins house in late June, I was able to spend my morning and part of my early afternoon in Austin, Texas. The motto of that town is "keep Austin weird." I must say that they have done that very successfully! [caption id="attachment_11914" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Sumoflam at Austin's Roadhouse Relics, one of the unique and quirky shops on South Congress[/caption] [caption id="attachment_11917" align="aligncenter" width="474"] I had breakfast at the South Congress Cafe. It was truly an upscale cafe, if there is such a thing[/caption] There are not many offbeat and quirky towns in this country, but those that are really go to town and Austin is certainly one of the best of these. Portland is…
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Top Ten Travel Photos for 2014

Alligators, Animals, Backroads Discoveries, Bucket List Trips, Car Art, Cross Country Road Trips, Dream Highways, Eateries, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Ghost Signs, Giant Things, Graffiti Walls, Illinois, Kentucky, Large Statues, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Murals, National Monuments, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Route 66, Street Art, Tennessee, Texas, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Houses, Unique Places, US Highway 2, US Highway 212, US Highway 89, Vintage Neon, Wall Art, Water Towers, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yard Art
Throughout my travels I drove over 10,000 miles and took over 3000 photos in 2014. I have numerous shots from the road of quirky places, offbeat sites and some nice looking places.  If you missed my "nature photos", some of which are from my travels, please check them out on my Sumoflam's Singlewide Site.  Following are my ten favorite travel shots from 2014 and the stories behind them (and a number of honorable mentions). NUMBER 1 - OLD PRAIRIE SCHOOL HOUSE [caption id="attachment_9237" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Old Prairie School House on Smith-Frisno Road west of Havre, Montana. I wanted this one in black and white...more authentic feel[/caption] I once saw a photo of this old school house and knew that I had to get to this relic of the past.  So,…
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