Everywhere a Sign – Some U Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Adventure, Arizona, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Bucket List Trips, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, National Monuments, National Parks, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Route 66, Selfies, States and Provinces, Tennessee, Texas, Tourist Traps, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 1, US Highway 101, US Highway 177, US Highway 183, US Highway 190, US Highway 2, US Highway 271, US Highway 287, US Highway 51, US Highway 58, US Highway 60, US Highway 68, US Highway 79, US Highway 81, US Highway 89, US Highway 90, US Highways, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Water Towers, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Its a unanimous understatement to say that I love traveling the back roads of America looking for the interesting and unique. It is ultimately my utmost passion (well, besides my family and my grandchildren). I will also do something in this post. I will be posting some of the US Highway signs I have picked up, most specifically in 2018. I'll explain down below.  I hope you enjoy some of the U Signs I discovered in my 2018 travels.  Enjoy the Read. Enjoy the Ride. Uranus, Missouri [caption id="attachment_20977" align="alignnone" width="525"] Welcome to Uranus Missouri[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20969" align="alignnone" width="403"] Uranus, Missouri water tower[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20958" align="alignnone" width="525"] Thanks for Picking Uranus[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20964" align="alignnone" width="525"] Sounds yummy[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20965" align="alignnone" width="412"] Help Keep Uranus Clean[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20951" align="alignnone" width="525"] The…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some R Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Arkansas, Backroads Discoveries, Bakeries, Books, Burger Joints, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Idaho, Illinois, Junk Art, Kentucky, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Offbeat Places, Oklahoma, Oregon, Place Names, Post Offices, Quirky Things, Restroom Signs, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, South Dakota, Texas, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 281, US Highway 81, US Highway 84, US Highway 90, Washington
Road trips can be redundant. Road trips can be real fun. Rarely is there anything dull along the way. Visit a small town on a back road and you will find something. Here are some R signs, including a collection of Roxy Theaters and Restroom signs...yes, some potty humor.  Enjoy the Read. Enjoy the Ride.     Rustic Rose Mercantile, Evant , Texas [caption id="attachment_21754" align="alignnone" width="525"] Rustic Rose Mercantile, Evant, Texas[/caption] Don't know a thing about this place, but sure love the sign.  Evant, Texas is a small community at the intersection of US Highway 281 and US Highway 84. I drove through here on my way from Lampassas to Hamilton. Rover, Arkansas [caption id="attachment_21758" align="alignnone" width="525"] Rover, Arkansas Post Office[/caption] Rover, Arkansas is a small place on Arkansas…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some P Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Adventure, Alabama, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Less Beaten Paths Books, Montana, National Parks, Offbeat Places, Oregon, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Texas, Tourist Traps, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 101, US Highway 191, US Highway 287, US Highway 50, US Highway 6, US Highway 81, Utah, Wanderlust, Washington
Perfection is not something I seek on a road trip.  Play is the key word for me.  Driving from here to there on a back road is like playing.  The game of discovery is so much fun. And I am passionate about the places I venture into, whether it be a small country community on a narrow two-lane road or a big city amid the proud tall-standing buildings.  Pure passionate playfulness. And here are some of the interesting P signs I discovered in my 2018 travels. Enjoy the Read. Enjoy the Ride. Putnam's One-Stop Bait Shop Sign, Rogersville, Alabama [caption id="attachment_21682" align="alignnone" width="525"] Putnam's One stop Bait Shop, Rogersville, Alabama[/caption] [caption id="attachment_21718" align="alignnone" width="525"] Putnam's Shad Guts[/caption] [caption id="attachment_21719" align="alignnone" width="525"] Putnam's Fiddle Worms[/caption] Driving to Houston through Alabama brought…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some M Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Alabama, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Car Art, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Offbeat Places, Oregon, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Route 66, Tourist Traps, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 26, US Highway 90, US Highway 97, US Highways, Utah, Vintage Neon
(Editor's Note:  For  my  2019  posts,  I will be posting photos from my travels in 2018.  I visited 26 states and drive over 13,000 miles in 2018.  These posts will feature of few of the road signs and business signs I came across, as well as some stories behind them. ) There are many road signs and store front signs to be seen across this magnificent country.  The endlessly marvelous variety of signs and places always has me camera ready.  Here are some of the Many signs I found along the way, including some that say Many!  Enjoy the Read. Enjoy the Ride. Many, Louisiana [caption id="attachment_21345" align="alignnone" width="525"] Welcome to Many. Not just a few here![/caption] I am always on the lookout for a unique town name and its…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some L Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Adventure, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Burger Joints, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Family Travel, Illinois, Less Beaten Paths Books, Montana, Offbeat Places, Oregon, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Texas, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 20, US Highway 212, US Highway 30, US Highway 412, Vintage Neon, Wanderlust, Washington
(Editor's Note:  For  my  2019  posts,  I will be posting photos from my travels in 2018.  I visited 26 states and drive over 13,000 miles in 2018.  These posts will feature of few of the road signs and business signs I came across, as well as some stories behind them. ) Longing for something luscious and lighthearted?  Today is your lucky day as I provide a luscious array of L signs in this post.  Enjoy the Read. Enjoy the Ride. Light, Arkansas [caption id="attachment_21330" align="alignnone" width="525"] I have seen the Light!! It's in Arkansas![/caption] [caption id="attachment_21649" align="alignnone" width="525"] Light Baptist Church, Light, Arkansas[/caption] Light is located at the junction of U.S. Route 412 and Arkansas Highway 228 and was named after original settler Daniel Light.  Really out in the middle…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some E Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Eateries, Giant Things, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Montana, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Place Names, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Route 66, Texas, Tourist Traps, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, Vintage Neon
(Editor's Note:  For  my  2019  posts,  I will be posting photos from my travels in 2018.  I visited 26 states and drive over 13,000 miles in 2018.  These posts will feature of few of the road signs and business signs I came across, as well as some stories behind them.  Enjoy the Read and Enjoy the Ride!) Every road is an adventure.  Every detour offers new entertainment.  In this post I am providing some of the E signs I came across during my travels across the country in 2018.  E means ENJOY! Eighter From Decatur, Decatur, Texas [caption id="attachment_21463" align="alignnone" width="525"] Eighter from Decatur sign in Decatur, Texas[/caption] [caption id="attachment_21025" align="alignnone" width="525"] Decatur, Texas - Home of the Eighter from Decatur[/caption] Decatur, Texas is a fun little town.  Home of…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some C Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Arkansas, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Less Beaten Paths Books, Missouri, Montana, Murals, Offbeat Places, Oklahoma, Place Names, Post Offices, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Route 66, Selfies, Street Art, The Beatles, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Places, US Highway 101, US Highway 212, US Highway 67, Wall Art, Washington
(Editor's Note:  For  my  2019  posts,  I will be posting photos from my travels in 2018.  I visited 26 states and drive over 13,000 miles in 2018.  These posts will feature of few of the road signs and business signs I came across, as well as some stories behind them.  Enjoy the Read and Enjoy the Ride!) One of the challenges of doing the Bloggers A to Z Challenge is coming up with a reasonable theme.  As a traveler, I can actually think of numerous themes, but the signs from my 2018 travels seemed like an adventurous way to go this time around.  Here are some C signs I came across in my road trips across America in 2018. Cloudy, Oklahoma [caption id="attachment_21333" align="alignnone" width="525"] I had hoped for a…
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Everywhere a Sign – Some A Signs From 2018 #AtoZChallenge

A to Z Challenge, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Cross Country Road Trips, Less Beaten Paths Books, Montana, Offbeat Places, Oregon, Place Names, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, South Dakota, Tourist Traps, Town Names, Unique Places
(Editor's Note:  For  my  2019  posts,  I will be posting photos from my travels in 2018.  I visited 26 states and drive over 13,000 miles in 2018.  These posts will feature of few of the road signs and business signs I came across, as well as some stories behind them.  Enjoy the Read and Enjoy the Ride!) Everywhere you drive you see signs...all kinds of them -- road signs, directional signs, business signs, advertisements, and more.  As I drive, with camera by my side, I am always on the look out for something unique, interesting and fun.  Here are just a couple of "A" Signs that I came across in my road trips across America in 2018. Alzada, Montana [caption id="attachment_21410" align="alignnone" width="525"] Alzada, Montana[/caption] I drove through Alzada on…
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Travel in 2018: The Best of the Roadside Attractions – Part 1

Adventure, Alabama, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Big John, Colorado, Cross Country Road Trips, Dinosaurs, Dream Highways, Family Travel, Found Metal Sculptures, Giant Things, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Muffler Man, Nevada, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Route 66, Selfies, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Tourist Traps, Toy Collections, Travel with grandchildren, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 101, Utah, Washington, Water Towers, Whispering Giants, Wyoming
[caption id="attachment_20889" align="alignleft" width="225"] Sharkheads in Biloxi, MS[/caption] Obviously, one of my favorite things to do on road trips short or long is locate the fun, unique and offbeat roadside attractions.  And, fortunately, 2018 provided me a plethora of these.  I have already written about a few of them individually in past months, but this post will be a nice little "photo tour" of some of my favorites. Having been through 26 different states in 2018, I had plenty of sites and loads of fun.  I got to share many of these with grandchildren, which made it even better. [caption id="attachment_20271" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Dignity: Of Earth and Sky - 50 foot tall statue by Dale Lamphere[/caption] [caption id="attachment_20268" align="alignright" width="225"] Sumoflam with Dignity near Chamberlain, SD[/caption] Perhaps my favorite from…
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Travel in 2018: Fun Place Names and Street Signs

Alabama, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Colorado, Cross Country Road Trips, Family Travel, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Less Beaten Paths Books, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Offbeat Places, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Place Names, Post Offices, Quirky Things, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Route 66, Selfies, South Dakota, States and Provinces, Tennessee, Texas, Town Names, Unexpected Discoveries, Unique Eatery, Unique Places, US Highway 101, US Highway 171, US Highway 2, US Highway 20, US Highway 212, US Highway 26, US Highway 270, US Highway 412, US Highway 49, US Highway 71, US Highway 87, US Highway 90, Utah, Water Towers
[caption id="attachment_21323" align="alignleft" width="300"] Smiling in Smiley, Texas[/caption] I am always on the lookout for fun places to visit when on the backroads of America.  My travels in 2018 took me to 26 different states and along the way I found more unique town names and fun street signs to add to my collection.  In 2017 I published my first book titled "Less Beaten Paths of America: Unique Town Names."  (Check out the book here) At the time I wrote it, I didn't think I would get enough new places to fill up a second book, but , indeed, I have.  And 2018 really helped with that. [caption id="attachment_21293" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Happyville Road in Greensburg, Kentucky (I always #CHOOSEHAPPY)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_21324" align="alignright" width="300"] Autumn and me in Marvel, Alabama with…
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