Towns of America A to Z: The F Towns #atozchallenge
A to Z Challenge, Adventure, Arkansas, Back Roads, Backroads Discoveries, Books, Bridges, Church Signs, Cities and Towns, Covered Bridges, Dragons, Elephants, Family Travel, Farmland, Fuji City, Giant Things, Giraffe, Japan, Kentucky, Landscapes, Large Statues, Less Beaten Paths Books, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Mountains, Murals, National and State Parks, Historic Sites and More, National Parks, Nebraska, Offbeat Places, Ohio, People Shots, Place Names, Post Offices, Quirky Things, Restroom Signs, Restrooms, Roadside Attractions, Roadsigns, Selfies, Signs and Billboards, South Carolina, Texas, Tourist Traps, Unique Eatery, Water Towers, West Virginia
Another day, another A to Z post. Today I post about places that begin with the letter F. As with all of my posts, I have been to all of these places and all of the photography is mine as well. I never write about places I haven't personally visited. You even get a visit to Japan in this post! And a good place to begin with the F places are towns that have the name Friend in them. There is also sorts of FUN and FANCY in this F Tour. ENJOY THE READ! ENJOY THE RIDE! Friendly, West Virginia [caption id="attachment_34758" align="alignleft" width="236"] Friendly, West Virginia[/caption] I have been to Friendly a few times. It is a small town that was established in 1898. The Parkersburg and Ohio Valley…